Sunday, December 12, 2010

Adam's Birthday

Green Minestrone (NYT Jewish) x 2

Roast leg of lamb with shallots, mustard, and herbs (WS) x 2
Acorn squash, baked with butter, brown sugar, maple syrup
Garlic green beans
Anna's Mashed potatoes (NYT)
Pennies from Heaven (Carrot coins) (New Basics)
Endives salad with mustard dressing & chives (Quaglino's)
Buttermilk Cluster (Fresh

Birthday cake (WS) with whipped cream filling
Wild Blueberry pie with almond crumble (EPI) x2

Adam's 47, Adina's 51, Nathan's 17

In Attendence: Adam, Joyce, Max, Larry, Elissa, Adina, Sammy, Nathan, Elana, Shani, Noam

The plan is to have a celebration dinner for Adam's birthday that is unlike other dinners I have hosted. This time: unhurried, classy. I will use nice serving dishes. I will hire help. Adam will choose exactly what he wants. I did end up helping him shape the menu, but he was the main architect in what was served.

The Green minestrone I have made before and is surprisingly yummy for a vegetable soup. The lamb ended up underdone, I trusted the thermometer too much. MUST check the meat next time!!! Now I am making a broth with the bone. Best best best lamb recipe ever!! Acorn squash was my first time and requested by Adam. Very good! Must make more often. Maria helped with the green beans. Turned out great. I was careful in not adding too much moisture to the mashed potatoes and was glad I did. The recipe yields a version that is way too viscuous. I was afraid the carrots may be too cinnamony. Next time ok to add more sugar perhaps, or maple syrup? I brought back Nestle cream from HK (meant to be for Filipino macaroni salad), and was able to use it for the Quaglino salad. Everyone loved it, even those who were skeptical, or not familiar with endives. The bread turned out underdone. I must remember that that is the problem of this recipe. The inside tends to be
undercooked if only baked for 1/2 hour, and the top tends to get burnt. Must adjust next time. Perhaps lower temperature for a longer time. Perhaps turn down the temperature after ten minutes. Also, when I made the dough, I forgot my own rule and put mostly all of flour of what the recipe called for. I ended up really struggling with the consistency. The end result was ok but I have made better ones. Wow cakes are still so hard for me. The cake ended up with kind of a hard, wet texture. Perhaps i need to turn it out from the baking pan sooner. Also, when making whipped cream frosting, MUST always make double!! Blueberry pie was the BEST ever!!

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